Alexa Young, CA
“This platform was my first experience with a MH Coach and online, both did not disappoint, Lakota is amazing at what she does."
Morgan James, NY
"I have a therapist who works with me on a more long term level with regards to my past; my work with Lakota centers on goal setting and the challenges I am dealing with, work compliments my mental health treatment track."
Lisa Pierre, NY
“A friend of mine who worked with Lakota recommended I reach out-best decision ever, her work with me was hard but worth it in ways that I am forever grateful for.”
Word of Mouth

Working with Lakota continues to be an amazing experience. She is different from all the other life coaches I've tried; she has a way of making me think in the introspective, something I have never done, she pushes me when I need it and is unapologetic about it.

I struggled with myself in terms of relationships; I once thought of myself as an introvert when I began my work with Lakota. Because I am not a talker, Lakota created a series of movements for me to music that reflected what I was going through; I am not a dancer at ALL! however, she made me feel so safe and confident in my own skin.

Ms. Lakota conducted a one day retreat with my teaching staff. From the moment she opened up the day with an amazing ice breaker activity to closing the day out, she left a strong impression on my team. I knew that inviting her to our staff retreat would be a rewarding experience; I am looking forward to working with her again.

Lakota and I are working on what she refers to as my "now" challenges-the tangible things that I can realistically change in the present to get through the day in a positive manner. Her work with me has been nothing short of amazing; her style of coaching has been a godsend.

Put the clinician aside and you will find yourself sitting across from a being whose holistic approach is nothing more than grace, skill, and integrity in action. She genuinely cares about the soul she has been presented with; she does not take her calling lightly; this is spiritual work and if you are not ready to do the work, I suggest you leave the website.

I am not one to write a "testimonial" but I got to be real, this life coaching thing was a weird concept to me until I was referred to Ms. Lakota. I am not going to talk about my issues, I will say that she has helped me big time. Words cannot express her work, dedication and overall looking out for my best interest. Our work ended not too long ago, yet Lakota has provided the space that when I need a check-in or just someone to talk to she is there for me. Thank you Ms. Lakota, from the bottom of my heart.